Pierś z kurczaka nadziewana pesto i suszonymi pomidorami. Niektórzy czasem narzekają, że nie jadają piersi z kurczaka, bo za sucha. Zapewniam Was, że tak przyrządzone mięso, dzięki dodatkowi zielonego pesto i pomidorów z zalewy będzie pyszne i wilgotne.
Roladki z pesto i suszonymi pomidorami
Prep Time 10 minutes mins
Cook Time 40 minutes mins
Total Time 50 minutes mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine international
Na pesto
- 50 g lisci bazylii
- 25 g świeżej kolendry
- 75 g orzeszków pini
- 200 ml oliwy z oliwek
- sól morska
- czosnek 3-4ząbki
- 30 g startego parmezanu
Na piers z kurczaka
- 2 pojedyncze piersi kurczaka każda po około 200 g
- pesto opcjonalnie
- sól morska i świeżo zmielony czarny pieprz
- 8 kawałków suszonych pomidorów w oleju z ziołami + 4 łyżki oleju ze słoiczka
- 1 łyżka posiekanej natki pietruszki
- 8 plasterków suszonej szynki parmeńskiej
Keyword danie mięsne, kurczak, pierś z kurczka
Chicken breast stuffed with pesto and dried tomatoes
For pesto
- 50 grams of basil leaves
- 25 g of fresh coriander
- 75 grams of pine nuts
- 200 ml of olive oil
- sea salt
- 3-4 garlic cloves squeezed
- 30 gr of grated parmesan cheese
For chicken breast
- 2 single chicken breasts (each about 200 g)
- pesto optional
- sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
- 8 pieces of dried tomatoes in oil with herbs + 4 tablespoons of oil from the jar
- 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
- 8 slices of dried Parma ham
For pesto
- Wash basil and coriander under running water. Drain.Put the basil leaves, coriander, nuts and garlic to the blender and mix at low speed. When it starts to form mush, add the olive oil slowly. Season with salt. Add grated parmesan. Put pesto into a jar. Put a tablespoon of oil on top to help keeping the color and prevent from drying out. Close tightly. Store in a fridge
For chicken breast
- Rinse chicken breasts and dry with a paper towel. Make a cut in the thickest part of the breast, creating a pocket. Sprinkle with salt and freshly ground pepper, both outside and inside the pocket.
- Rub the pesto from inside.
- Chop dried tomatoes for about 1 cm pieces and mix with parsley. Season with salt and pepper, mix, divide in half and put in the center of each chicken pocket.Pre-heat the baking tray that you will use to bake the chicken for 5-10 min. In the meantime sligtly join the meat at the cutting point and wrap in parma ham
- Remove the baking tray from the oven, spread on it a tablespoon of dried tomato oil and place chicken rolauds on top. Pour over the rest of the oil and put in the oven for about 25 minutes. Cut into 2 – 3 cm slices.